Ray tracing graphics engine

CPU PBR parallelized Ray Tracing graphics engine

Solo academic project made for the INF584 - Image Synthesis course at Ecole polytechnique.

  • Main rays and secondary rays are computed in the polygon scene, accelerated with a bounding volume hierarchy structure.
  • Shadow tests and Ambient Occlusion are computed in a voxel scene stored in a High Resolution Sparse Voxel DAGs
  • Material shading is computing using the Microfacet Specular BRDF model from Unreal Engine 4
  • CPU parallelization using OpenMP


Full render with ray trace

output example

Ambiant occlusion

Ambiant Occlusion estimation using the Sparse Voxel DAG representation

output example


Sparse Voxel DAG representation (orthographic rendering of voxels) with a shadowing test from a directional light source.

output example
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